- KOMWAG a.s.
- Cleaning
- Cleaning dog excrements
Cleaning dog excrements
Demand from our contractual partners for dog excrement clearing services motivated us to develop waste bins intended for the collection of this kind of special waste – stationary dog waste collection. Komwag designs and supplies integral networks of special waste bins, and also services these. The customer, meanwhile, is provided with a comprehensive range of services, from emptying bins to replenishing the supply of bags for dog excrement.
Komwag holds an industrial design for its mobile dog excrement collector, a device consisting of a quad bike with extension. Thanks to its ball-like tyres, the machine moves easily over difficult terrain without damaging grassy areas. The strong suction effect of the extension allows us to clear dog excrement from paved areas (roads, pathways) and from grass or gravely tracks – mobile dog excrement collection. The vehicle has been awarded a certificate testifying to the registration of the industrial design in the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany.